Asked By
110 points
Posted on - 04/27/2011
I am having a hard time browsing my computer due to security shield which would appear every time I click on any files. How to remove security shield?
How to remove security shield?
How to remove security shield?
Security Shields is a surely tool program or as a Anti-spyware. It really affects the performance of your PC specially when surfing the internet or loading a website. Now, many user want this Security Shield removed to their system. I will show you how to remove this program and follow carefully my clear but long instruction. Don’t worry, it’s worthy.
First thing to do is to open your Internet Explorer.
Go to the website and search for rkill. Just type rkill on the search bar.
Click the second link or the second result in Google.
When you have opened the second link, scroll down a bit and look for iEXPLORERE.exe_download_link a window will pop-up and click “Save”.
Save it to your Desktop.
Open the rkill (iExplorer) File- then click “Run”.
Now, a window will pop-up again and you can see in the window that rkill is processing and doing its job to remove Security Shield. After a moment, you will see in the right bottom of your Window that the icon of Security Shield has been removed.
Moving on. Open your Internet Explorer again and go to website
Click download and save it to your desktop again. After you finished downloading the Malwarebites.
Install the Malwarebites. Window will pop-up+click “run”.
Select “Ok”.
Tick the “I accept the agreement” and press “next”and next until it will install.
In completing the installation you have to check the 2 check boxes. Update/Launch malwarebites. Then click “Finish”.
Make sure that the software updates and wait for the malwarebites to open.
Go and “Perform a full scan” to your computer.
Select all drives to be scanned. Then click “Scan”. Wait for 30mins
After that, the scan completed successfully. Press “Ok”. Then click “Show result”.
Select all the infected files and click remove selected files.
Your PC needs to restart and your done.
How to remove security shield?
Despite its appearance, "Security Shield" is NOT an Antispyware/ Antivirus software. Security Shield is a malware that can do some damage to your computer. It can even steal your personal data such as your email password or credit card number (if you have ever entered your credit card data on your computer).
Removing this malware manually is risky and should be done by an experienced IT user only. I suggest you to use an Antispyware application such as "Spyware Doctor" or "Spyboy Search & Destroy". If you think you had ever entered sensitive data since your system got infected by this malware, I suggest you to change your email password and/or other passwords after you successfully remove this malware.
Answered By
5 points
How to remove security shield?
Hi! Jc_Castro,
My Security Shield is a rogue Antispyware program from the same family as Security Master AV and My Security Engine. Just like its predecessors, My Security Shield is promoted through the use of fake online scanners and other bogus websites or malware that displays fake security alerts on your computer. The scareware states that your PC is infected with spyware, adware and other viruses and that you should download and install My Security Shield in order to remove the infections. In reality, though, this is nothing more but a scam. And if you decide to install My Security Shield then it will make your computer almost unusable.
Once installed, the rogue program will install a variety of files on your computer that act as fake malware so that the program will find them while scanning. These files are: cid.drv, CLSV.tmp, DBOLE.exe, delfile.sys, fan.dll, grid.sys, kernel32.exe, kernel32.sys, PE.dll, PE.tmp, runddlkey.drv, SICKBOY.drv, std.dll, tempdoc.tmp, tjd.sys and other. All these files are located in %UserProfile%Recent folder.
While My Security Shield is running, it will automatically start scanning your computer and then will state that there are many infected files that should be removed, but this can be done only with a full version of the program. You may also find that your computer starts to become slower. Furthermore, My Security Shield will constantly display fake security alerts stating that your computer is infected and that you should purchase the program immediately to protect your computer.
Answered By
0 points
How to remove security shield?
Security shield is a rogue security tool that displays fake scan files even if your computer is not infected. It can also stop any program from running just to protect itself from being removed. The perfect or best way to remove a security shield is to uninstall it by a genuine security program.
After restarting the computer, and it beeps for the first time you press the F8 key on the keyboard or you can press the key when the boot menu appears. In the Windows Advanced option menu, you select the safe mode with networking then press enter. Secondly you have to remove the system tool ( security shield) and any associated malware, then reboot the computer and download the best uninstall tool such as spyware doctor-Antispyware software.
After downloading the software, you install and run it then find the applications about the system tool (security shield) in the list and highlight. Press the uninstall button to start removal.The system tool will disappear from the computer after removal.
How to remove security shield?
Security Shield is an anti-spyware. It really affects the performance of your PC, especially when surfing the internet or loading a website. Now, many users want this Security Shield removed from their system. I will show you how to remove this program and follow carefully my clear but long instruction.
The first thing to do is to open your Microsoft Internet Explorer then search the web for “rkill”. Or simply visit then do the search there.
Click the second link or the second result in Google.
When you have opened the second link, scroll down a bit and look for “iEXPLORERE.exe_download_link”, a window will pop up then click “Save”.
Save it to your Desktop.
Open the “rkill” [iExplorer] file then click “Run”.
Now, a window will pop up again and you can see in the window that rkill is processing and doing its job to remove Security Shield. After a moment, you will see in the right bottom of Windows that the icon of Security Shield has been removed.
Moving on. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer again then go to Malwarebytes.
Click Free Download then saves it to your desktop again.
Install the Malwarebites. A window will pop up. Click “Run”.
Select “OK”.
Tick the “I accept the agreement” and press “Next” until it installs.
In completing the installation you have to check the 2 check boxes. Update/Launch Malwarebites. Then click “Finish”.
Make sure that the software updates then wait for the Malwarebites to open.
Go and “Perform a full scan” on your computer.
Select all drives to be scanned. Then click “Scan”. Wait for 30 mins.
After that, the scan completes successfully. Press “OK” then click “Show result”.
Select all the infected files then click Remove selected files.
Your PC needs to restart and you're done.