Creating an animated GIF image

Asked By 110 points N/A Posted on -

I'd like to create an animated gif image for my website.

I tried doing it on my own but still nothing happens.

Please help.

Best Answer by vihizio
Answered By 0 points N/A #89360

Creating an animated GIF image


Hi there, creating an animated gif image requires an image editor with this extra ability. I'd like to share with you a software named Photobie which is an excellent and free image editor but an editor with these capabilities.

Take note, gif images can only be used; animated gif image are comprised of multiple gif images so it should be of the same size; the image should not exceed 256 colors; internet browser can be set so animated images are not seen, if it's disabled, the visitor would only see the starting frame.

Hope I was able to help you in a way. 😀

Answered By 110 points N/A #89362

Creating an animated GIF image


Well, I have everything with me now and I'm ready to start creating an animated gif image.

Please give me the step by step instruction on how to use Photobie.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #89364

Creating an animated GIF image


Okay, I'll give you brief instruction on how to use Photobie. Of course, you need to download and install Photobie. First, once the program has been opened, open each of the images you wish to use in your animated image. Next, determine one picture that would be your starting frame and then select the image that will be the next frame.

Click region and select whole image region or press CTRL+A to select the complete image. Next, click Edit and then copy or press CTRL+C to copy the image. Select the picture that you determined to be your starting frame earlier and then click edit and then paste as new layer.

Once all images have been added as layers into the starting image, click GIF_Animation and then Animation Control Panel. Once the animation looks good click the blue diskette icon to save the animation.

Enjoy creating your animated gif image!

Answered By 110 points N/A #89365

Creating an animated GIF image


Okay so I did it, Good Job to the both of us.

Well, aside from Photobie, what other software can I use?

All the help I'm getting here really provided be best solution.

Answered By 0 points N/A #89366

Creating an animated GIF image


You can also create an animated image online. Before that you must first have each frame of the animated image you wish to use.

Once you have your images created, visit the web page and upload each of the images to the web page. This is easier than doing it on Photobie, you'll be provided instructions on doing it.

Have a blessed day!


Answered By 110 points N/A #89367

Creating an animated GIF image


Oh, you're so great and I hope you could help me out next time as well..


Have a great day!

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