Hello Pro,
While working with TDMS I was stuck up with a problem. I tried the same method again after some time but the error remains the same. The error code is 14112 occurred at Driver VI, how do I fix this error? It helps with some possible reasons for the error. However, I do not understand the reasons exactly. Please guide me. Thanks.
Error 14112 occurred at Driver VI>>
Possible reason(s):
Simulation Interface Toolkit: The TDMS playback file could not be found at the specified location. Select Tools>>SIT Connection Manager from the pull-down menu to launch the SIT Connection Manager dialog box and specify a valid TDMS playback file path.
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How to fix the error 14112 which is occurred at Driver VI
This trouble generates because the file path isn’t correctly transformed by SIT after it has transferred the playback file to the RT target.
This problem can be worked around by editing a file.
Open the file “<model dll path>Model_Dll_Name Replay ConfigsPlayback_Name Playback Config.ini”.
Correct the “Filename” parameter. The default parameter is the path to the playback file on your local system.
The parameter should only be modified to store the name of your playback file only. Here is the prototype of the parameter that should be modified:
Filename = “playback_filename.tdms”
After modifying, you have to manually transfer any future changes to the playback file to “c:ni-rtsystem”