Hi techyv,
What is the best excel repair software? My Microsoft Excel application is having a problem lately. I am having trouble opening files, it never responds and usually crash. Can you suggest a software which is compatible with windows 7 operating system that can probably repair my excel application?
Hoping for your help and kind consideration.
Best Excel Repair Tool for Windows 7
Hello there,
It is not an easy task to do. Start with a simple try:
1.      Click on the office button at top-left of the window, click open.
2.      A box will appear now select the file and you will get an arrow next to the open button click on that.
3.      Select open and repair.
If your file is not seriously damaged than by doing this you can open your file easily. Otherwise you have to try some deep steps.
1.      Select the formulas tab click calculation options, a drop down menu will appear select manual.
2.      Open a new workbook.
3.      Now on A1 type =(damaged file name)!A1, a box will appear, select the file from the box and click open.
4.      Now select the A1 cell and then select the area of the file data has. Now copy the data.
5.      Now from the edit menu select paste special select values and click OK.
This should solve your problem.
Thank you,
 Riley Weaver.