What are the .XML files uses with the user state migration tool?
There are 4 different types of .xml files uses with USMT. They are MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml, MigDocs.xml and Config.xml.
MigApp.xml includes data about how to transfer application settings. Basically these are the rules for application setting migration.
MigApp.xml includes settings of dial-up connection settings, font settings, folder settings and ODBC settings.
MigUser.xml includes data about user profile settings. In addition it contains policies for user data and those settings used for when the migration happen.
MigDocs.xml includes the data about positions of user documents.
Config.xml file is different from other .xml files. This file uses for change the migration setting and you can use ScanState.exe for create and change the functions of Config.xml file.
Thank You.
John Major.