Hello friends,
How to create css image reflection dreamweaver? Dreamweaver is the best software to use for automatic html and css table and division creation. But I am not that good in terms of CSS coding technique. How can I possibly create an image reflection css program? I need some sample codes and any illustration.
Thanks and Regards,
Chloe Chylly.
How to create css image reflection dreamweaver?
Image reflection is a great way to make an image more attractive. CSS is a scripting language which can be used to create reflections on an image. To apply reflection on an image using CSS, the wbkit-box reflect property is used. The reflect property accepts values in the format as shown below:
<direction> /* The direction of the reflection such as above|below|left|right */
<offset> /* this is the offset value in pixels from start of image */
<mask-box-image> /* image link such as https://webkit.org/blog/181/css-masks/ */
a sample of the settings can be as shown below:
-webkit-box-reflect: below 2
-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(transparent), color-stop(0.5, transparent), to(white));
Thank you.