I am trying to launch the Watch Dogs game for the first time, but it hangs and show a Blue Screen error with Stop Code 0xa0000001. I tried for few times, but it ends up with the same BSOD error which is really annoying. I really want to try this game. So please help me fix this.
Blue Screen of Death Error 0xa0000001 on launching Watch Dogs game
The Blue Screen error that you received is related to AMD driver. You need to install the AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver for any compatibility issue. You can also try to remove the controller or gamepad before you start playing and just plug it back when the game is already loaded. Also, for Nvidia users, disable the SLI profile for the game and ensure that you have the latest Nvidia GeForce 337.88 Driver. You will most likely receive BSOD if you don't have the latest driver installed in your computer.
There are additional improvements included from the drivers mentioned above which are designed specifically for Watch Dogs game.