How To Check What Is My Bandwidth Usage In Windows OS

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Guys I using a monthly Broadband internet plan of 10GB. And yesterday I got a message from my ISP operator that I have reached the 10GB data mark and can’t access the internet anymore. So can anyone tell me how to check what is my bandwidth usage and how to keep track of it?

Answered By 0 points N/A #285478

How To Check What Is My Bandwidth Usage In Windows OS


Here are some of the techniques by which you can Monitor and check your bandwidth usage.

1) Monitoring bandwidth usage using a class where.

If you are looking for a real-time bandwidth monitoring application, then it’s GlassWire.

GlassWire is basically a firewall application which just not only monitors incoming connection but also does an amazing job in monitoring bandwidth usage. It can show you Bandwidth usage by incoming and outgoing connections. It can even tell you about the bandwidth of each and every application.

2) Monitor via ISP’s web portal.

It is one of the easy ways to track your bandwidth usage and which is via your ISP’s web portal. The place you often visit mainly when you have to change the password of your router. Now the interface depends on the ISP and routers, but it will show you your bandwidth usage along with a log of all the incoming and outgoing traffic to your router. Remember your ISP is more concerned about your bandwidth usage than you are.

3) Monitoring bandwidth usage in Windows 8+ OS.


Now Microsoft provides an inbuilt feature in their Windows 8 and higher operating systems which allow you to view the bandwidth usage of your connection. For this, you will have to mark your connection as metered connection.

4) Monitoring bandwidth usage of multiple PC’s using network.


Now if you have a home network and multiple PC’s connected to it and would like to know about the bandwidth usage, Go for Networx. It is a free application with a decent UI which will meet all your needs of firewall monitoring over a network

Answered By 590495 points N/A #287118

How To Check What Is My Bandwidth Usage In Windows OS


10 GB of monthly data plan seems to be a very small monthly allowance. But that is true, the same way I am subscribed to my internet provider. The only difference is that I am with a much higher data plan, thrice of your monthly volume. Volume-based data plan is normally offered on wireless internet service like 4G LTE and I’m sure you are subscribed to a similar one.

In a volume-based data plan, before you reach the end of your volume, your internet provider will send you a warning or a notice on your screen when you connect your computer to the internet. It happened to me once when my data usage reached I think about 75 percent of my 30 GB data plan.

When you reached a certain threshold on your data plan, you will be directed to a certain page by your internet provider the next time you connect your computer to the internet informing you of your current data usage and the remaining amount left.

The message will also tell you that when you reached the limit of your data usage, your internet connection will be cut off and will resume the first day of the following month. Since you are also on a volume-based internet data plan, you should install a bandwidth monitor like SoftPerfect NetWorx. It will help you monitor your data usage for your daily, weekly, and monthly bandwidth usage.

NetWorx supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x, and Windows 10 including Windows Server 2003 until Windows Server 2016.

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