Hi dear,
I am adobe Professional but not computer professional.
I am facing some hardware related problem and don’t know its solution.
Please provide me its solution.
Detail of error is here:
Adobe Photoshop
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error.
Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
Thanks in advance.
Adobe Photoshop Hardware or system error
The error message appeared might be because from corrupted settings.
You can fixed the problem by deleting your Adobe Photoshop settings.
You can start by opening your Photoshop and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift on your keyboard at the same time.
When the remove message “Delete the Adobe Photoshop settings file” pop-up click the yes button.
You can also easily try a shortcut,
Press down and hold Ctrl+Alt+Shift then right mouse click and select “Open”
Make sure that your computer is showing the correct date and time if not, try to reset the clock of your computer by right-clicking, on the lower right of the windows task bar, set the right date and time.
Adobe Photoshop Hardware or system error
If the solution suggested above did not helped much, there might be an error in the file structure of the hard drive.
Try uninstalling Adobe Photoshop then run a disk check after.
Right-click on drive C and then choose Properties.
Click Tools tab.
Click Check Now button.
Choose Automatically fix file system errors from the options then click Start button. Wait for it to finish diagnosing the hard drive.
After the disk check install again Adobe Photoshop.
See if the error is gone and the program is ok.
Conflict between hardware and software is inevitable.
And sometimes the error happens in the actual program itself and that is normal even without a user intervention.
In some cases, a simple uninstall and install will do.