AirPort Extreme cannot detect the AirPort Express device

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I just upgraded my router with a new Airport Extreme. I have an existing AirPort Express which is not new and it only has a single ethernet port and a single USB port. The Airport Express is not detected by my new AirPort Extreme, is it because it's an old model?

Answered By 5 points N/A #199877

AirPort Extreme cannot detect the AirPort Express device




Apple offers limited support for older devices as they move from one product line to the next, but you should still be able to network in this manner with these devices. Follow these instructions provided by the producer/manufacturer:


  1. Open the AirPort Utility application and choose the device you will use for connection.

  2. Choose “Base Station > Manual Setup” and enter your password

  3. Click the AirPort button and then select wireless

  4. Select “Create a wireless network” from the “Wireless Mode” menu and then select “Allow this network to be extended” from the appropriate checkbox

  5. Choose the device that will extend the network (i.e., the AirPort Express), then choose “Base Station > Manual Setup,” and enter your password

  6. Select “Extend a wireless network” from the “Wireless Mode” menu and then choose your network from the list of networks

  7. Enter your network name and password

  8. Update your device by selecting “Update”

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