Learn About Windows Update Error Code 80070570 Solutions.

I get this error called windows update error code 80070570 whenever I try to update my windows. As it an important update, help me in fixing this error. Reply ASAP.

I get this error called windows update error code 80070570 whenever I try to update my windows. As it an important update, help me in fixing this error. Reply ASAP.
First step in solving such issued would be obviously troubleshooting the problem. Also undo all the changed you made before getting his error. If this doesn’t help then you need to download and install windows update agent latest version in your computer. To get this latest version visit manufacturer’s site. Download this file and save it. Double click on the downloaded file to install it. Don’t forget to open it as run as administrator. Hope this helps to fix the error.
If you try to install a Windows Update and it fails with error code “80070570,” try installing the latest Windows Update agent. Unfortunately, at the moment only Windows 7 and higher can receive an update on the Windows Update agent. The Windows Update agent of Windows XP and Windows Vista can no longer be updated.
For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1, download the applicable Windows Update agent for your operating system:
Download the file to a different drive other than the system drive or drive C because the file can’t be started directly from the drive where Microsoft Windows is installed. Once the file is downloaded, click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories” then right-click “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator” to launch an elevated command prompt. In the command prompt window, type without quotes “d:\windowsupdateagent-7.6-x86.exe /wuforce” then hit Enter.
Replace “d:” with the drive letter where you downloaded the file like for example without quotes, “e:”, “f:”, and others. Also, for this to work, make sure the file is downloaded to the root of the drive and not inside a folder. See if this works.