Solve Error 1001 Exception Occurred While Initializing The Installation Conditions.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

When I start to set up any project and it starts giving me such type of error 1001 exception occurred while initializing the installation. I am using window 7. While initializing the installation Exception error occurred. Help me to solve this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #294471

Solve Error 1001 Exception Occurred While Initializing The Installation Conditions.


I find out that I was supposed to put or add an additional \ parameter at the end of the value.

When you are installing an Action Data property is incorrectly define in MSI,

There are some steps which used to resolve fault:

  1. Search the Custom Action define incorrect or generate any MSI installation file to log on.
  2. Search for text “value 3” in your log file.
  3. Copy the custom Action names which return in the log
  4. Open MSI and search your value “%Custom Action% Set Property.”
  5. In this, select target column in any row.
  6. Check that values in the above syntax As /name = “[Property Name].”
  7. After correct values, all error should be removed.

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