Hi great day and I am trying to upgrade to JIRA 4.4 as there are some problems involved with the earlier version as it cannot the installation directory and I think this error is due to http connection missing in server.xml and even I replaced the HTTP connector.
Provide me the solution and any is accepted.
Thank You.
Problems reading the installation directory.
Upgrade to JIRA 4.4 Error
1. Mark that you demand current software care to execute the advance.
2. Affirm that your permission support period is still legal before you adjudicate to raise.
3. Whenever your current license has deceased but you've afresh permission with you, please update your license in conflux before executing the advance. If you leave to do this and your license has deceased, you'll receive mistakes during the upgrade action. Advert to the commands on advancing beyond current license time period.
4. Check the discharge notes for the fresh edition of conflux you are establishing, plus the advance notes for any major editions you are hopping. It is crucial to read these advance notes as there could be particular alters between conflux editions that could affect your Confluence case. The advance notes pages for new major editions of conflux are approachable from the advance Notes Overview page.
5. Be sure that your surroundings still follows with the conflux arrangement demands. A fresher edition of Confluence may have another demand than the previous edition.