Can you please explain what a digital signature is? I am having trouble with adding a digital signature to a Word file. Could you please help me with it? I am using Microsoft Office Word 2007.
Learn How To Add Your Digital Signature To A Word Document.
A digital signature is an encrypted code which verifies the signer’s identity. It can be attached to the documents which you can transfer electronically. It is equivalent to a hand written signature or a stamped seal. But in fact, offers better security and solves the problem of tampering. It provides added information such as the origin of the electronic document, the status, the identity of the sender, etc.
Follow these steps to add your digital signature in a word file:
- Open the word worksheet, and place the pointer or cursor where you want to add your signature.
- Click on ‘Insert’ and then on ‘Signature Line.’ Select the ‘Microsoft Office Signature Line’ option.
- A ‘Signature Setup’ dialog box will open. Fill in the details as per your need. This information will appear below the Signature line.
- You will see there are two check boxes at the end of the Signature Setup dialog box. You can check one or both of them as per your need.
- If you want to add more ‘Signature Lines,’ then repeat the same steps.
- Now, right click the Signature Line that you added on the word page.
- Select ‘sign’ from the menu.
- A box will appear on the page. You can type your name next to the ‘X’ in the box.
- If you want to add an image of your hand written signature, then click ‘Select Image,’ and then select the particular image.
- Your digital signature will be visible on the right bottom corner of the page.