Hi techyv,
What are those comcast software versions? Give me some idea about all the Comcast software version from the oldest to the latest, I need to study about it for some reason. I have to get some information here to make it easier for me to make a report.
Hoping for your help. Thanks.
What are those comcast software versions?
Comcast is a provider for entertainment, communication, and information. There are many services that Comcast offers from being an Internet Services, and Telephone provider down from giving services and making businesses as their customers. Comcast, first introduced Xfinity voice, which offers CDV ( Comcast Digital Voice). Comcast also introduce Xfinity Home, which provide Home security. Then comes the Comcast Xfinity Internet which of course offers internet connection which ranges to $19.99 – $199/mo. Hope I feed you the right information. Good luck!