Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 05/24/2012
We desire to remove numerous characteristics from an object we fashioned (Employee). Typically, this is an incredibly direct issue with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You merely eliminate the area from the Form and Grids. From there, utilizing the Entity Editor, you then pick the characteristic and click “delete”. In our incident, the characteristics in discussion were being utilized by workflow. Regrettably, the error report you get from CRM is not very useful. Can you tell me how to stop their use in workflow and remove them?
Thank you very much for your service.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM — Webpage Dialog
This Attribute cannot be deleted because it is used in one or more workflows. Cancel any system jobs for workflows that use this attribute, then delete or modify any workflows that use the attribute, and then try to delete the attribute again.
Answered By
0 points
Microsoft Dynamics CRM workflow usage
Hello Asteneves,
With a little bit of SQL knowledge, this might solve your problem. Here’s what you can try.
***Run this query against your MSCRM Database:***
DECLARE @CharacteristicsYouAreTryingToModify VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @CharacteristicsYouAreTryingToDelete VARCHAR(50)
***Update these to the entity and attribute you are working with***
SET @CharacteristicsYouAreTryingToModify = 'invoke_employees'
SET @CharacteristicsYouAreTryingToDelete = 'invoke_hardwaremacintoshdesktop'
SELECT WFD.WorkflowDependencyId AS 'workflowdependencyid',
WF.Name FROM WorkflowDependency AS WFD
***Join out to the Workflow Table to get the Name of the Workflow***
JOIN Workflow AS WF ON
WFD.WorkflowId = WF.WorkflowId AND
WF.StateCode = 1
WFD.DeletionStateCode = 0 AND
WFD.DependentEntityName = @CharacteristicsYouAreTryingToModify AND
WFD.DependentAttributeName = @CharacteristicsYouAreTryingToDelete AND
WFD.Type = 8 AND
WF.DeletionStateCode = 0
When you run this query, it will give you a list of workflows that are running that contain the characteristics you want to delete.
Once you have the list, you can now:
Unpublish the workflow
Remove the dependency (In the “Properties” of a Step, the “Record Attributes Change” list, etc)
Publish your workflow again
Delete the characteristics/attributes
Now, if you happen to instead:
Unpublish the Workflow(s)
Delete the Attribute
And try to re-publish the Workflow(s)
You will get this error message:
This is because, as a safety measure the CRM delete attribute process only deletes part of it and not all. If this happens to you, just open the Workflow editor using the User Interface, remove the dependency and “re-save” it.
The workflow UI and other XMLs will get updated with the new changes. You should be able to publish your workflow again without problems.