Hi dear,
I am doing work in .net framework and I am receiving Unhandled Exception please tell me why this exception occur when I try to open any project in it always appear same problem.
GP Invoice Import
GP Invoice Import has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were n the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.
Debug                                                                                                 Close
GP Invoice Import has encountered a problem
This questions is very easily now you only .net frame when ever in use just remove and reference remove and Restart your
Computer and Required frame work Install in your computer. And Then Restart your computer After check it. Its A Complete Work GP Invoice.
GP Invoice Import has encountered a problem
Always create a backup copy of your work to avoid losing any valuable data. This error is usually caused by an error in the system, either in the application you are using or directly from Windows. But the cause is usually not the same because this error appears irregularly. Interaction of different applications in the memory is also another cause. Because applications share the same memory after they are opened. All of them are loaded into the memory for faster accessing.
Try restarting the computer and then try opening the application again. If it is still the same, try uninstalling the application and then install it back to fix any corrupted files in the installation and to restore its settings back to default.