Hello, I am getting an error while downloading a TV show. I was about to download this show from iTunes when I got these errors. I got two errors mainly, one was error 50 and other was error 8008. The other advices I got from internet were about deleting a file named .tmp which was located in my library in a folder called ‘downloads’. But the thing is that this type of solution is not working for me, even though I have tried several times. I have also asked help from Apple, but they could not help me either. So I have come to you for help. Thanks.
Error While Downloading a TV Show
This error happens with many others. Do not worry. This can be fixed by deleting the cached video files of the downloaded files, and restarting the download, this will often resolve this matter.
In order to find the cached video files that were downloaded:
Go to the downloads folder of your system. This folder can be found in the below listed locations. Note: your ''iTunes Media'' folder may also appear as "iTunes Music".
For Mac OS X:
"Your Home Directory"/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Downloads
For Windows Vista/7:
UsersusernameMusic(or "My Music" for windows 7)iTunesiTunes MediaDownloads
For Windows XP:
Documents and SettingsusernameMy Documents MusiciTunesiTunes MediaDownloads
Find out the folder that contains the cached files of this TV downloads.
In Windows Vista and Windows 7, and the folder name will end with .tmp .
Example: The Trio-Worlds.tmp
In Windows XP and 2000, folder will be named for the downloaded video, ending with .m4v.tmp.
Example: The Trio-Worlds.m4v.tmp
Delete the .tmp folder for the affected video.
Then go to iTunes.
select Store > check for Available Downloads.
Put your account name, password, then click the Check button.
If you face this problem while downloading Digital Copies via Windows Operating system:
Go to "Run" WIndow.Type MSCONFIG and enter to disable any conflicting software. If this solves the matter, you might choose to use the System Configuration Utility to turn on the third party System Services and Startup Items-this should be done one at a time and restart your computer after activating the item(s) in order to figure out which Item is creating the conflict.
I hope your problem gets solved and you have a good time enjoying your downloaded TV show