Hidden folder $NtUninstallKB42773$ what is this?
Folders such as $NtUninstallKB42773$, $NtUninstallKB873339$, $NtUninstallQ329048$, etc. are folders that contain the files necessary to uninstall a Microsoft Windows updates that has been installed on your computer. These folders are hidden in the "Windows" or "Winnt" folder depending on your version of Windows, therefore will only be shown if you're displaying hidden files on your computer.
How do I view hidden files in Windows?
If you're running out of disk space on your computer these folders are safe to delete. However, for safety precautions we suggestion only deleting the folders that are at least a few months or few years old. In some rare situations it may be necessary to uninstall more recent patches.
To locate and delete these files follow the below steps.
Open My Computer.
Within My Computer Open the C: drive.
Open the Windows or Winnt folder.
Within this folder the first folders listed should be $NTUninstall folders if you're computer has hidden files shown. If you're wanting to delete the files select all folders that begin with $NTUninstall that are older than a month and press the delete key on the keyboard.
Thanks & Regards
It is actually normal to have these
$NtUninstallKB42773$, $NtUninstallKB873339$, $NtUninstallQ329048$, etc. folder.
These folders contain the files that you will need in case you uninstall the Microsoft Windows updates that you have installed into your computer. These are actually hidden files into your system. Now if you’re asking me if it is okay to delete these folders, yes it is but be sure that you have no plans of uninstalling any updates you install on your computer. My advice to you would be, just keep it’s not harmful.
To locate these folders
Go To MyComputer -> C: (or your primary drive where operating system is installed) ->Open Windows folder and there you should find it as long as you have your hidden files and folders shown.