What is the best environment to create call center workflow chart?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello techyv,

What is the best environment to create call center workflow chart? What is the appropriate application to use when creating diagrams and flowchart? I hope you can recommend a friendly user application and has an easy to learn features. I have to submit the chart next month.

Expecting some help from you guys. Thank you.

Answered By 10 points N/A #178845

What is the best environment to create call center workflow chart?



The two best software to create diagrams and flowchart are Visio and Gliffy.
Visio Feature : Click on it to visit the page and download.
1. Great powerful program to do a good job.
2. It is friendly and easy to use.
3. Diagram templates.
4. Libraries in several icon.
5. Capability to arrange the diagram auto.
Gliffy Feature : Click to visit the page and work online.
1. you can work online no need to download it.
2. Easy and clean to use.
3. Keyboard shortcuts work perfectly.
4. Load diagram faster with the help of HTML5.
5. On toolbar redo and undo buttons give control more to you.
6. Supports Safari, IE, Chrome and Firefox.

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