Human evolution cannot forget the discovery of fire. One of the most influential and now evolving technologies and long developments of mankind is from these kinds of basic introductions respectively. Therefore, taking fire as the topic, the following are the top ten technologies that are contemporarily present from the medieval times.
The sound wave fire extinguisher is the brand new technology by two engineering college students at the George Mason University that harness fire from sound waves. The technology uses chemical-free and also water-free extinguishing device that primarily uses sound waves for separating burning fuel from that of oxygen. Hence Fire dies from the absence of oxygen and therefore using this technology is minimal amounts is worth.
2. VIDEO SMOKE DETECTIONVISD technology can capture smoke visually by pinpointing over the area where the smoke has already begun. The proofs also exist validly from the analyses from a PC that whether the video graphs from the cameras view evidence of flames or smoke. Once something is under detection, a signal is moving to an inbuilt alarm system.
The carbon monoxide detector is the technology of keeping a constant view over the house, even on things one cannot see. Just place the Birdi detector and the system will monitor all the air factors, from the minute high pollen counts to the bigger presence of carbon monoxide. The connections for signals are via smartphones.
Drones are already doing excellent work in various sources of work, and now it is ready for detecting and saving people from fires. The drone can reach places that a normal human cannot go and hence gives alarms if an area is struck in between burns.
Robots are a human’s best friend, and now he is ready to save people from fires. Robots can now be accessible for flames that are so high in degrees and even when a firefighter cannot do the job. The robot Thermite by Howe and Howe Technologies in the Maine area is a firefighting bot that can fight against most gruesome fires caught.
Satellites are now available to help humans by detecting high flammable fires before they spread and they even have the options of alerting the ground firefighters to protect the people and avoid further growth of it.
Dynamic researches of fire mean that knowing about how a fire begins, spreads to other areas and consumes the physical materials in its environment. The data are very much critical to get information. Fire behavior has cues to its weather, its nearby objects and the speed and path of wind flow to name a few.
8. SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCBA)The SCBA protects all the firefighters from the contaminants that are viewed in the IDLH (immediate danger to life and health) situations. A human’s respiratory system is the largest and the most fragile one too. Since care is taken for these cues, the SCBA has significant importance for reducing risks of ground firefighters.
9. THERMAL IMAGING CAMERASThermal cameras help in imaging the source and levels of fire in a specific place. Initially, these types of cameras were useful in the military, but lately, it came into force for firefighting too.
Clothing should be given significance concerning fire, and current technology has the features of heat resistance, a thicker coating of linen, and also has the options for using it in the most terrestrial lands with rough usage.