What is Merry Christmas binary code
I googled to find out the binary code for Merry Christmas and i was unable to find that, so if any one knows what is Merry Christmas binary code, please revert
I googled to find out the binary code for Merry Christmas and i was unable to find that, so if any one knows what is Merry Christmas binary code, please revert
If you understand binary codes, Hexadecimal code & ASCII code it’s pretty easy to get an idea about this
In Alphabetic Upper case letter “A” starts with 65 (decimal)
There for Letter “B” is 66
(A = 65, B=66, C=67)
And for lower case letters start with 97
(a=97, b=98, c=99)
Now see the each binary letter will be 8 digits but it will only be 1’s & 0’s
Please refer below example
Convert S letter to Binary
First you should convert letter “S” to decimal
S = 83 (decimal)
Then you should convert decimal to binary
Answer is 01110011
This is the binary code for “Merry Christmas”
Thanks & Regards
Mckinney Ma