Recover a word document which is deleted

How to recover a word document which is deleted from my hard disk?
Once I recovered the document I got it damaged.
Help me with this.

How to recover a word document which is deleted from my hard disk?
Once I recovered the document I got it damaged.
Help me with this.
You need a file recovery software to recover your Word document. Download from
Download the program and then install it on the drive where your deleted Word file is.
Run the program and then start searching your drive and view the results found.
Hi friend,
To recover a word document, it depends on how the document was lost.
1. If the document cannot be opened or damaged Microsoft word, then repair is needed.
a. Save the document to another file format for example rich text/ .rtf or .txt and convert it to .Doc file format.
b. Click file button, then Open dialog box, after you select the filename click the open button, then click and select open and repair.
2. If the word cannot open the document.
a. Go to start menu then you will see a text field then type run then enter.
b. Another text field appears, type winword /a then enter. Then try to open the document.
c. In the file menu, open dialog box, click “recover text from any file” then enter.