Errors In Excel And Their Meanings!

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I was working on excel, and I got a #DIV/0 error. Can you help me explain what is this error and what other similar errors can occur?

Answered By 20 points N/A #318844

Errors In Excel And Their Meanings!


Excel helps its users identify errors easily. If you have created the formula, excels let you know about it with an error message. These are some of the error with there meaning that will help you understand it means. #DIV/0 indicates if you are trying to divide by 0. #N/A- a function inside a formula which is unable to find any reference. #NAME?- This error means the text is not found. #NULL!- space is used in that references in multiple ranges like a comma separate the range difference. #NUM! A formula has invalid numerical data for the type of operation. #REF – It is invalid.


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