Monitor Biztalk Server Biztalkmgmtdb Sql Agent

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

In BizTalk Server 2013 R2, there is a command called Monitor BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb). This job checks the administration and tracking databases and looks for inconsistencies. If none exists, the job completes successfully. If there are inconsistencies, the job fails. The failed job simply indicates that you need to deal with inconsistencies.

Error message:

Run as user: AD-ENT \ DBA_LIFTS_SQL_SSDE_N. 67981 Orphan DTA service instances in WUPWD02V0310 \ BTBAMUAT.BizTalkDTADb [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.

How can I solve this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #319999

Monitor Biztalk Server Biztalkmgmtdb Sql Agent


You can solve it using BizTalk Terminator or BizTalk Health Monitor will likely solve your problems. If you want to know more about queries running in the background when troubleshooting, follow these steps: Run a SQL Profiler to check for running database queries. While this may violate some EULAs, you can even decompile binary files to understand exactly what’s going on.

This will get your problem resolved!

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