Performing Solution Of Error Code 0x80070425 Windows 10

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone, I recently updated Windows 8.1 on Windows 10. Everything works fine unless I call after adding my account to the email application. You receive the following error message: “An error has occurred Sorry, we were not ready for the Error Code 0x80070425 Windows 10” Does anyone have a concept to solve the problem? The problem without resetting a laptop?

Answered By 0 points N/A #322680

Performing Solution Of Error Code 0x80070425 Windows 10


To resolve this issue please follow these steps –

1. In the search field, type “Services”

2. Right-click on “Services” and select “Run as administrator”.

3. In the Services window, locate and exit the Document Manager service.

4. Restart the PC and “start” the Document Manager service and set it to “Automatic”.

5. Restart the PC and it should work properly.

Error fixed!

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