Will anyone please help me with my Outlook? I started up Outlook Express and it suddenly froze and I had to restart the program. However, when I checked my inbox, all my email for the past month was gone. I desperately tried several solutions like renaming the inbox, creating a new one and copying the files, but to no avail. I need some important files and messages from the mails that were erased, and I’m hoping someone could lend out a hand and help me with it. Thank you so much in advance.
I started up Outlook Express and it suddenly froze
Hi Ross, don't worry, your files was not deleted because it can be recovered. Pst files is the file extension use in outlook to saved, archived and restored data on emails, calendars, contacts ,journals, appointments, etc. The reason why the pst files lost because of many reasons. Accidental deletion, large .pst files and large percentage of files is getting corrupted . Some anti-virus programs damage pst files and of course virus is one of the major reason why pst files are damaged. You can use the outlook mail recovery software. Try to go on this link and download: https://email-recovery.en.softonic.com . This software is more recommended that scanpst.exe because of it's algorithm.