Getting error while reading data from a file using UTL_FILE

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

Need your help. I am using Oracle 10g database. I have developed a script in which I have used UTL_FILE api to read data from a file. While running the script I am getting error like identifier 'UTL_FILE' must be declared. I am sure the directory "fileout"  and file "MYFILE"  is present in the database.  Please let me know the reason for this error and how to resolve this issue. Here I've attached the screen shot of the error. 



ERROR at line 3: ORA-06550: line 3, column 6: PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_FILE' must be declared ORA-06550: line 3, column 6:

Best Answer by Abbot Nimrod
Answered By 0 points N/A #119244

Getting error while reading data from a file using UTL_FILE



Your package is called FINCONREPS and covers a technique called GLREPORT1. Before you tried calling the above practice, did you tag it as FINCONREP1.GLREPORT1 by any casual? If so, I recommend that you amendment it toFINCONREPS.GLREPORT1. If not, please paste the code that you used to call your process, and we might be able to help more.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #196638

Getting error while reading data from a file using UTL_FILE



Hi there,

This is quite common problem. The security conscious DBAs often revoke PUBLIC access to UTL_FILE for their databases. Please check with the DBA if PUBLIC access to UTL_FILE has been revoked on the DBA that you are working on. Also, just to be sure, check if there are any synonyms defined for UTL_FILE? If yes, try using that instead. Hope that helps.

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