How To Fix Samsung Galaxy S8 Black Blacked Out Issue
I took my phone with me when it was raining and when I reached my Samsung Galaxy S8 has Black blacked out. How do I fix it??
I took my phone with me when it was raining and when I reached my Samsung Galaxy S8 has Black blacked out. How do I fix it??
This symptom can be witnessed when the device sounds when messages and calls are received, but only the screen is black. In such scenarios, it is usually advised to power off the phone, or sometimes in some phones, it is also advised to let the battery of the phone drain out automatically and then power the phone on afterward. In case of moisture present inside the phone also such a blackout session may be faced in such a situation too the best way is the press the power button along with the down volume button for 10 or more seconds as they are said to be the boot buttons which can help boot the phone and fix the issue.