Things to be consider in buying a computer
What should you look for when buying a computer in terms of RAM video-sound cards processors CD-DVD drives and burners OP systems USB etc. What are the things to be consider?
What should you look for when buying a computer in terms of RAM video-sound cards processors CD-DVD drives and burners OP systems USB etc. What are the things to be consider?
The first thing to consider when buying a new computer is your budget or how much money you want to spend on buying a new computer. The bigger the budget the better computer specifications you can get. Next is the requirements. What do you really prefer to use, a laptop or a desktop PC? You need to decide on which of the two will best suit your needs. You may need to adjust your budget or your goals to make it compatible with each other.
The Processor is the most essential factor on choosing a computer. I will recommend you to use Intel brand since Intel is very famous on making the best chips that comes with the Core 2 Duo PCs. The next thing is the RAM or the Random Access Memory. This is very simple as you only need to decide how much RAM you will need. Just remember that when you go for more than 2GB, you must get Windows 7 64-bit for your Operating System. Hard disk drive is the next thing to consider. The bigger the size, the better. Decide according to the purpose why you need to buy a new computer. Lastly, the graphics. Most computers now comes with the built-in graphics. But I will suggest to use a nVidia product.
the following terms you need to think about to buying computer:
select the operating system you intend to use, then select machine type (desktop computer or laptop), further technical specification such as cpu's processors speed, ram, rom, hard disk for storage mass, and finally monitor or LCDs to view.