I can’t get it worked, this error appears every time and I cannot get rid of it. I didn’t find any solution on the Internet and nothing seems like to work. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? What I did wrong ?
Thank you experts !
AutoIt Error
Line 5728 (File “C:Program FileRideRunnrSkinseLite
Error: Variable used without being declared
AutoIt error while trying to open ride runner
First, if you are using an old version, update your program to the latest version. Visit NISU In-Vehicle Infotainment to download the latest version of Ride Runner. Ride Runner is originally known as Road Runner until it was officially changed to Ride Runner to prevent issues regarding legal trademarks. The Road Runner software is an in-car entertainment front end which is based on Mediacar but an extended version.
If you have an existing Mediacar skin, you can use it in Ride Runner for extended features as well as for improved performance. See image.
On the other hand, if you are creating a script file that automatically launches Ride Runner, make sure to declare variables correctly. Though you can assign a variable without declaring it first but, of course, to avoid issues from happening such as this, it is always right to declare a variable before using it and assigning a value.
To declare a variable, use either Local or Global. For example: Local $skinLite; Global $skinLite1, $skinLite2. If you are a beginner, please refer to AutoIt Language Reference Variables.