Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 08/29/2011
Help please, I am unable to run scandisk and defrag. When I try to run both of these programs, I get an error message telling that a program such as a disk utility has locked the drive and to close program or wait for it to finish. I am totally pointless about the program and the error as well. I have never had this problem before. My baby has spilled some water on my hard disk, so can this be a reason for this? Anyone can please help me in this. I will be really thankful.
Answered By
10 points
I am unable to run scandisk and defrag.
You cannot run check disk from within windows on an NT system. You have to boot by using windows cd and choose R for repair. Once into recovery console type….
And press enter when finished.
Exit to finish and reboot.
Another way is to open my computer and right click C drive and select properties > tools > error checking box > check now button > put a checkmark in both Auto Fix and Scan/Recover.
Click start and you will get a warning regarding Disk Check. This is normal. Click yes and it will run at reboot.
This also happens when windows turns on its swap file. This is common error with windows running scandisk – as it runs the swap file changes – and so scandisk has to reset. Try disabling your swap file, reboot and start the check again.
It also happens because of some upgrading. What did you do before these programs stop working? Upgraded to SP3?
Login as admin > Start > Run > cmd
When ask, say yes. Restart your system and let it do its workings.