GIMP error applying the extension to files

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


Can anyone tell me please how to set up my GIMP to accept a .png format in Windows ? I tried everything I know to make the proper settings and I did some searches on the Internet and nothing seems like to work. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? How can I solve this one ?

Regards !

Extension Mismatch

The given file extension does not match the chosen file type. Do you want to save the image using this name anyway?

GIMP Message

Saving ‘C:UsersandyPicturestumblr_lqe92plb4X1qhcd6po1_400.png’ failed:

Error while saving ‘C:UsersandyPicturestumblr_lqe92plb4X1qhcd6po1_400.png’. Could not save image.

Answered By 0 points N/A #178918

GIMP error applying the extension to files


The native format for files that are produced in "GIMP" is "XCF". Therefore,steps for producing "png" file in GIMP are as under. 

  1. Click the "file" menu and choose the option "save as" or "save a copy command."
  2. By using "save as" option, your file will be saved as new png file. And by using "save a copy command" your file will be save in both png and xcf  format.

In short, when the dialog box is open, click the "file type", then from the list, select "PNG image" and click "Save."

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