Windows Update Error 800f0902

Hey, I was wondering if anyone could solve my issue regarding Windows Update error 800f0902. Can anyone tell me a way to fix this problem regarding my update?

Hey, I was wondering if anyone could solve my issue regarding Windows Update error 800f0902. Can anyone tell me a way to fix this problem regarding my update?
Windows Update Error 800f0902; might occur if there is a corrupt installation that is creating this issue. To fix this, make sure you have removed the failed updates entirely from the ‘Programs and Features’ and then try to perform the Windows Update. To remove the updates, go to the Control Panel, select, “Programs and Features,” click on view installed updates, and then uninstall the updates that failed to install, and that had given you that error. If you cannot remove the update from the ‘Programs and Features,” then use the Windows cleanup utility tool to remove the updates. Once you have uninstalled the updates that have failed to be installed on your computer, you should try to reset the Windows Update component.