How to fix Format Factory (converter app) empty dropdown list issue?
Hi All,
I am running MS windows XP on my Intel Pentium 4 PC. I am facing an issue while using my video and audio file converter program/software. Actually, I have installed Format Factory (different formats converter tool) software on my PC to convert different video and audio file into other different (audio and video) formats but when I try to convert any file to .
AVI format via adding concerning file in Format Factory, everything goes well but at the point of selecting output quality the dropdown list of quality option does not appear or after clicking on quality column, it does not contain any other options in it dropdown list and the list appears totally blank. This is the issue which is not allowing me to convert any video files into a format, in which I want to/need to convert desperately. I even cannot change my converter because it is the only video converter which works for me.
To deal with this issue I already have un-installed my format Factory app and then have installed it but the issue is still standing. I also have repaired it and checked its registration again but I came to know that registration is fine as well as repairing is 100%. Now I want someone to help me so that I should be able to use it. So, I want to know How to fix Format Factory (converter app) empty dropdown list issue? I need your help desperately.