Non portable point and click games on PSP

Asked By 320 points N/A Posted on -


Hi Techyv's gamers,

How can I make a non portable point and click game work on PSP ?

I would convert it into another file type if required, but I need to know which extension it has to have.


Best Answer by Waall Mike
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 270 points N/A #195786

Non portable point and click games on PSP


Hello there, 

Creating a game on any module you wish (PSP, Windows, Mac, Android, etc) will require hard work and adequate knowledge and tools to use. But for an easy way around it, you can download Adventure Maker (Game maker) to help you get the job done. This software is a freeware so you don't need to pay for it. Here's the link of the Adventure Maker Website. 

PSP games are usually .iso so you might need to make sure you save your game with that format. 

Hope this solves your problem. 

Waall Mike


Answered By 0 points N/A #195789

Non portable point and click games on PSP



The greatest Click game on PSP is Batman. It is built on cartoon theme.  It is easier to join a third player as a Bat-Mite if the DS version is packed.  

Another option is Kingdom Hearts. You will be able to visit locations based on Disney properties.

This is considered as a perfect jumping game. Here if one character is selected once then the serious value can be added.


Shifflett Laurel

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