Asked By
eirene a
0 points
Posted on - 09/01/2011
I have seen from a friend of mine accessing his files from his USB device and I was amazed with what I saw, When he opened his device from My Computer there was a catching and nice background behind its' filename and icon.
Can you teach me how to set up a background on my USB device?
How to set up a background on USB device?
Hi there,
It's really amazing to see USB background with customized images, icons displayed when opening. The steps needs to be hardcoded and you need to copy and paste this in a notepad. Saved this file and change the name to desktop.ini
You can also install this software on the Internet, download the file and saved it to your USB drive.
After you copy/paste it into your notepad, saved the file and change the name to desktop.ini, you need to choose the background image, icons that you want to set as USB background.
Once you have decided what image you want to use, you need to rename this back to back.jpg
Copy paste those files, desktop.ini, back.jpg into your USB drive and set them to hidden by selecting Properties -> Hidden files
You should have this images background in your USB device once plugged in to a computer.
Answered By
0 points
How to set up a background on USB device?
Copy and paste the following code into Notepad and rename the file desktop.ini Notepad (Make sure to paste this code citations are in Notepad format otherwise type the quotes manually from the keyboard.)
Choose an image of your choice and rename it to back.jpg
Copy Paste both files (the Desktop.ini and back.jpg) in the USB device, and are hidden, click Properties – hidden files.
Done. Only update the display and you can see the background image.