Hi there,
This error appears every time when I want to connect to my wireless at home with my phone. I have this problem with my phone only because the Internet connection is working just fine on my tablet. Any solution ? What could be the problem with my phone ?
Thanks !
Mobile data
Unable to establish a wireless data connection.
LTE: ESM-65535
MIP: 65535
Wireless data connection fails to connect
Hello David,
The first issue that should be reviewed is signal intensity. If the signal intensity on your service is only showing two bars or less, it is probable that you will have difficulty with your phone getting data. A signal intensity of more than two bars is required. You may also want to review that your phone is not on airplane mode. The mobile information service may also need to be started on your phone.. Finally, you may have restrictions with regards to your mobile data on your phone. This is designed to prevent exceeding the limits on your data plan.