Is There An Easy Way To Fix 0x800700003 Errors?
A) This 0x800700003 error is caused when windows could not check for updates for your system.
To fix it, you need to follow these steps:
In the start menu, search area dialog box, type cmd, and right-click on it, and then run it as administrator. Then type these commands one at a time and after pressing and executing it by pressing the enter key. First type this “net stop wuauserv”, then, “ren c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution software distribution.old” then, “net start wuauserv”, and then finally type this command “exit”
It should solve your problem. Only type the code given in the inverted commas and do not write commas.
B) To fix this, 0x800700003, you need to follow these steps:
Open the run dialog box window, and then open the command prompt as administrator, and then type this command SFC /SCANNOW. Now again open the run window and then type the following command inside it:
Cmd /c ren %WinDir%\System32\Spupdsvc.exe Spupdsvc.old
It should fix it.