How Can I Resolve The 0x803f8003 Error In Xbox?

When launching a game on Xbox, I am encountering the 0x803f8003 error. I cannot understand how to fix the issue. Please help!

When launching a game on Xbox, I am encountering the 0x803f8003 error. I cannot understand how to fix the issue. Please help!
The following methods are suggested by Xbox support to fix the 0x803f8003 error.
Method 1
a. Go to the Services & Subscription page of Microsoft.
b. Sign-in with your account.
c. You will find the subscription that you need.
d. Click on Renew.
e. If you do not find the renew option, you need to purchase the item from MS store again.
Method 2
a. Press the Xbox button.
b. Hover over the game tile.
c. Click on the Menu Button.
d. Click on Quit.
e. Launch the game after a minute.
Method 3
a. Press the Xbox button, and hold it for a minute.
b. The power center will open.
c. Restart console.
d. Select Restart.
e. Sign-in and launch the game.