Hi there,
When I want to open some files in KeePass this error appears every time. A friend of mine can use the files properly without any errors. Is there a way to fix this error ? What should I do ?
Thank you experts !
D:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopPassword DB.kdbx.
Failed to load the specified file !
The file signature is invalid. Either the file isn’t a KeePass database file at all or it is corrupted.
KeePass cannot open data base files
"The file signature is invalid" means that the first bytes of the file are not correct.
In fact, it is not an internal error in keepass. This error belongs to your file. You should keep in your mind that all KDB (KeePass Data Base) files, starts with the particular "fixed bytes." Therefore, the file you have tried to restore, is, may not be a KeePass file, or its restoration not successful. So, you may have a corrupt file or Keepass is unable to read it.
Edit "fixed bytes" of your file
Open your data base
Replace the corrupted file with valid file.
Save the changes.
You must back up your database regularly, so, you can avoid these type of errors.