The camera on my Windows 10 Lenovo laptop was working well till last week or so. I switched it on to record a video and encountered the 0xa00f425d <video capture start failed> (0x800706bf) error. Please help.
How To Fix The 0xa00f425d (0x800706bf) Error In Windows 10?
Method 1
Reset your camera.
a. Search settings on the Windows search box, and open it.
b. Go to Apps.

c. Search camera on the list, and open advanced options.
d. Scroll down, and click on Reset.
e. Complete the process.
f. Check the error.
Method 2
This error can be caused by the microphone too.
a. Search Troubleshoot in the Windows Search box and open Settings.
b. Go to Advanced Troubleshooter settings.

c. Click on Recording Audio, and Run the troubleshooter.
d. If you find any other option, such as Microphone or audio related, click on it, and run the troubleshooter.
e. Your problem should no longer exist.