Being An Suffer, I Faced 0xc2 Error While Opening The Application

Examine the 0xc2 error? Describe the cause of the error and explain various steps to fix the error and also attach a screenshot of the error.

Examine the 0xc2 error? Describe the cause of the error and explain various steps to fix the error and also attach a screenshot of the error.
0xc2 error is a BAD_POOL_CALLER fault which is a blue screen error and this error occurs due to BSODs, systems freezes, and crashes in the system. We have system repair tools that can be used to fix this error by replacing the corrupted system files and DLLs, remove malware, and fix the damage caused by it; as well as this repair tool optimizes the PC for maximum performance.
The symptoms of code 0xc2 BAD_POOL_CALLER error is the user will get a complete blue screen with the brunch of the words and numbers that will indicate a serious error. The cause of code 0xc2 BAD_POOL_CALLER error is the BSODs, which is generally caused by faulty hardware or software corruption.
The steps to fix the 0xc2 error code is as follows:
For Windows 7, Vista, and Windows 8, go to the Device Manager, right-click on Device, and select the scan option. The scan will give occurring issues.
For Windows 10, open up the Windows Defender and click Device performance and health.