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Posted on - 06/06/2012
Good day, I would like to know what is the resolution to the error message 0x800CCC0e in outlook/outlook express? i checked all the settings on my outlook,reset my password but still i get the error when i try to send/receive messages.
What is the resolution to the error 0x800CCCE in outlook/outlook express
To resolve this issue, you may follow the steps below in order for your toresolve this issue.
1. Find out if you are connected to Internet.
Go to My Computer > Left Click Dialup Networking > Right click your ISP connection > Left click Properties > Repair
2. Try unplugging other devices connected on your phone line. And make sure your Call Waiting is not activated.
3. Also, to set to disconnect your modem at a definite time, kindly click Control panel > Modems > Connection.
4. Make sure your cable is properly connected to your computer or laptop and then try again to send an email via outlook.
5. If problem still persists, completely uninstall and reinstall MS Outlook on your computer.
Hope this will help.=)