Pinterest power users are always on their toes on the social network. They are the ones who regularly share quality pins and are constantly on the lookout for building their network, following best practices, and getting maximum exposure. The secret to succeeding on Pinterest is to become a power user; if you do, you’ll be able to find the best images, share pins that people love to interact with, gain more followers, etc.
1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Like most websites, Pinterest’s login page features a two-factor authentication system. It allows you to set up a verification code via SMS every time you log in to the site. It was launched in the latter part of June this year. It only requires that you go to Profile > Security and turn on the two-factor authentication switch. Upon completion, it will function universally across all your devices, regardless of the one you use to log in.
2. Share A Wide Range Of Topics
Power users on Pinterest share pins on a variety of subjects. They are aware that building an excellent page on Pinterest requires assembling several great boards as well. They, therefore, have a variety of boards where they share pins on various topics and gain more board followers. They limit each board to a single topic as well. Since people prefer to subscribe to specific topics (boards) rather than an entire Pinterest page, it will be much easier to gain board followers than full-page followers.
3. Distribute Pins
Power users on Pinterest are aware that simply creating a lot of boards is not enough; you also need to maintain them. They, therefore, distribute their pins across their boards to ensure that all the most crucial ones are regularly updated. To give their pins and profiles the most exposure, they also make sure that their most popular boards are updated more frequently. A minimum of one to three pins should be added to your most popular boards each day. Make sure to add your pins to all your boards, not just a select few. Your boards and your entire page will gain from this.
4. Time Pins
Sharing everything at once and filling your followers’ feeds with only your pins is a quick way to lose followers. Users frequently do this, posting everything at once so that all you see in your feed is their pins rather than a selection of pins from the various people you follow. This bothers you, or not? Instead of pinning everything at once, it would be better to time your pins using a program like Pingraphy or Curalate.
5. Pin Secretly
Regarding safety, pinning openly arbitrary home décor ideas or diet plans does not have many repercussions. But you can use Pinterest secret boards if you are pinning only for yourself and do not want the rest of the world to see. Off-limits boards are those that only you and your collaborator have access to. The only thing left to do is to turn on the secret setting when creating your board. However, each of these boards has its own set of guidelines. To begin with, a secret board that has been made public cannot be turned back into a secret board. Likewise, the Pins can be said to agree.
6. Build Relationships
Power users defy this and connect with their users through the methods available, despite Pinterest appears to be a closed network without a direct way to contact other users like on Facebook or Twitter. There are two ways to do this: one is by commenting on pins, and the other is by mentioning pins in pin descriptions. Power users on Pinterest frequently pay attention to users who are repinning their content and show their appreciation by thanking them in comments on their pins. Additionally, they search for and comment on users who pin content from their websites.
7. Make The Most Of Guest Boards
One of Pinterest’s best features is probably the ability to create guest boards, which can help you connect with more people and expand your network. Power users contribute to popular guest boards that other people have created in addition to creating their guest boards for their pages (where they invite others to contribute).
8. Combine With Other Social Networks
Another significant practice of power users is combining Pinterest with other social media platforms. When you first start using Pinterest, this will help your account get noticed, but as time goes on and your page gains popularity, it will also help the other social networks. Following account creation, you can initially link your Facebook and Twitter accounts and look up known friends and followers to connect with on Pinterest. You can also easily share your pins on Facebook by enabling the Pinterest app on your account, which shows your most recent Pinterest activity in the Facebook news feed, and on Twitter by tweeting them.
9. Make The Most Of Available Tools
There is a tonne of tools for Pinterest. Almost anything you can do on other social networks like Facebook and Twitter can be done with many of these tools. Power users make the most of these tools to plan pins, get the most recent insights, improve images, etc. because it will save them time, help them reach more people, and help them grow an audience. So, seek out the best tools on the market and use them to improve your Pinterest results with less work.
10. Block Users
It turns out that Pinterest is not secure and that the internet can be full of disruptive individuals. You can block people if you notice them posting offensive content or expressing their opinions in inappropriate comments. When someone is blocked, the other person is not made aware of it. Although the posts and pins of blocked users will not show up in your daily feed, you can still find them if you do a manual search.