An unexpected error-Could not create effect soar.fx (NULL)
I install RW on my brand new Personal Computer, I re-developed trouble-free Roam scenario on the Hedborough North that I finally developed on my XP computer to verify the fresh things of rolling collection.
In extra time I did plus additional DLA into the scenario, and it's been fair all the time. On the other hand, unexpectedly it ended loading filling up the following error message.
Error ERROR: Could not create effect soar.fx (NULL) FILE: C:DevRailWorksreleaseCodeLibsHeraclesEngineDrawDxCommoncHcEffe ctDx.cpp LINE:174 OK “Verify Game cache” this software I tried and it solved the issue.
It could not work longer while I installed the corporate patched one more time, giving the similar error message as the last message. So I have a query and I want to know; is any method there to force to downloaded again separate or individual things of DLC.
Confidently I can perform more work to find of which patch is creating an issue.
I would like to notice this thing also that I have attempted to delete “Ncf”, “pi” and folder for a single special thing of DLC, started the computer again, Exiting steam, clear the game cache earlier than running Railworks and it did not downloaded again the files again. Please Help.