I need help with my amd fusion utility mobile for laptops.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I just got a new laptop, it's running an AMD processor.

Can I customize profiles in the AMD Fusion utility mobile software?

Can you help me how doing this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #196952

I need help with my amd fusion utility mobile for laptops.



Sure you can!
Refer to the below details:
There are about 10 power saver options by default in the Fusion Utility Mobility.
You can also choose to create your own profile
The ones present by default are categorized by better performance or better usability.
Better Performance:
Balanced: This is a balanced approach to give optimum performance while extending battery life
Max Battery Offline Mode: Provides maximum battery backup
Max Battery Online Mode: Provides maximum battery backup when the internet is being used
Max Performance Offline Mode: Boosts basic performance
Max Performance Online Mode: Boosts performance when the internet is in use
Better Usability:
Airplane: Continue to work while in flight
Digital Media: Reserves power for viewing videos and movies
Gaming: Provides additional boost for long gaming time
Web Browsing: Enable/disable background applications when you are only using the browser
More: More settings for configuration
Hope this helped you

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