I have a WordPress blog web site where I personally post everything. I would like to upload a PDF file to link with another post but I found only the uploading option is "Add an image, Add Video, Add audio, Add media" so I cannot upload the PDF file. Please see the photo of the option for a better understanding.
Any suggestions?
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How I can upload a PDF file in the WordPress blog
Here are detailed steps on how you can upload a PDF file and link it to your post:
First, you have to select "Post" in your wordpress blog dashboard and click "Add New".
Second, click the "Add Media" button.
Then, follow the instruction in the dialog box and upload the PDF file you want to upload.
After it uploads, you will have a section where it would show the title, caption, description and link Url of your PDF file. Change any field that you want to change.
Now, you can copy the Url of the PDF file or click the "Insert Into Post" button.
And lastly, be sure to click the "Save all changes" button.
Now you will have the title of the PDF file inserted into your post. After you are done writing the things you want to post, publish it.
I hope it helps.
How I can upload a PDF file in the WordPress blog
There are many ways to insert a PDF file in word press.
1. Option 1 is to download some plug-in to upload PDF file.
2. Another option is go to the Edit Post page and then select add Media option. Upload PDFs from here.
3. Simply type the HTML program codes, for example <img src=”document.pdf”,width=300, height=200, vspace=2/>
4. Or look for an upload option for a simple file upload.
In these ways you can upload PDF in word press.
How I can upload a PDF file in the WordPress blog
It is quite easy to upload; please follow the tips below; hope it helps.
1. Login to WordPress.
2. Go to Dashboard.
3. Add new post.
4. You will see some icons (Add an Image/add video/add audio/add media/add custom form).
5. Click add media and browse to your desired PDF file.