Networking programming skills under UNIX environment

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

NET programmer, and I've never programmed for UNIX. Now I'm developing in planning to start my network programming skills in UNIX environment, and I do not know what type of UNIX operating system, and I should start and run what language. I think starting with Java as a language for programming with the UNIX operating system, but to start. Please advise.

Answered By 0 points N/A #187773

Networking programming skills under UNIX environment

As you know the client server architecture. It is used to connect one machine to another machine. There are to machine, One is called as client.
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And another is called as server. Whatever service is executing is called as ports, Its just an application identifiers.
First, You need to know the address of the server machine. Which can connects to the port. But Server does not require to know the The address or client at connection time.
In the UNIX environment you need to follow some steps which are:
You need to create the socket, Socket is used for inter process communication.
After that you need to connect the socket to the address of the particular server.
You can sent or receive.
Finally you should closed the socket.
Now there are following steps of the server to establish the connection.
Again you create to socket
Port number of socket to bind 
Connection request
Need to accept the connection request
Send and receive the data from the machine
Socket is create the system calls
Like this
int socket( domain , type , protocol);

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