Asked By
Ryan Abate
30 points
Posted on - 06/09/2012
Hi there experts! The recently released Safe webapp program sounds quite useful indeed. Can anyone tell me if there is an add-on for this program which I can use with my Mozilla and Google Chrome browser? Additional Information on this program is appreciated. Thanks.
Latest Safewebapp program related question
The SafeWeb app provided by Norton is a pretty good online protection. Primarily, it is an app where you can enter a URL and Norton will check that URL if it is safe for browsing. What Norton does is it aggregates user reviews on that entered URL and will finalize if all of the user reviews are negative or positive. But another additional function is given by Norton; it also protects your Facebook’s news feed from certain posted links that may contain viruses. These links are rampant in Facebook, as more and more victims are reporting each day. In regard with your question if the SafeWeb app can be integrated with current recommended browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, it is sad to say that Norton has not yet integrated the SafeWeb app in them. Firefox already has a workaround on this, by using an alternative plugin that does the same thing, the DRWeb Anti Virus Link Checker. Google Chrome however has something of a similar fashion called the Web-of-Trust. Norton already heard of this failed integration to the 2 browser giants and it is going to be a matter of time before they will release a patch that will make the SafeWeb app to be integrated in them.